There has been major transition in this city. Almost everyone I know has major shifts in their lives beyond what I could have expected. Some of the shifts have not seemed good but there's an alignment of some sort happening. While there has been revival prophesied over LA for years now I believe that God is re-adjusting us once again into alignment. It's almost like a chiropractor where you can't get all the movement all at once or it will send the body into shock. Same with us God is re-aligning us slowly one (crack at a time) so that we won't go into shock over the repositioning.
That brings me back to the sound waves. I'm going to say that I believe that God is going to release a sound into the ground that opens the wells of past revivals. There's something so significant about the ground in this city.
When I first moved here in 2008 I had a vision while being blasted at a conference. The Holy Spirit hit a bunch of us right outside on the sidewalk on one of the major streets of LA. People where honking thinking we were crazy, but it was God breaking open the ground.
In my vision I saw rivers upon rivers of water flowing under the city of LA and that it was going to take a people who could contend to break open the ground for the water to come forward. I truly believe that it's going to be released through sound. There's a sound that will literally call this land into alightment and release healing over the ground. This land has been raped, tormented, beaten up, abused, and lonely. It's time for the waters that are under this land to be broken out so that she's no longer a desert land but a well watered garden. While I don't often prophecy revial I believe with all my heart that this is a call to all musicians to tune your ears to heaven. Listen to the song that is in your spirits. Wake up and write them and produce them. Sing over this land the heart of the Father because the song always goes before great victory. The children of Israel allowed the worshippers to go before them in battle and when praise goes before the victory is sweet and easy.
The time has come to release the sound into the ground....
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