Sunday, November 21, 2010

Release the Sound

A couple Tuesday nights ago I had an encounter during worship. I saw a white staff hitting the ground. The ground rippled like water after a rock has been thrown into it. While there's a common theme amongst prophetic words about earthquakes in LA I know that this was not it. The staff released sound waves...sound waves that rippled in the ground and went into the city.
There has been major transition in this city. Almost everyone I know has major shifts in their lives beyond what I could have expected. Some of the shifts have not seemed good but there's an alignment of some sort happening. While there has been revival prophesied over LA for years now I believe that God is re-adjusting us once again into alignment. It's almost like a chiropractor where you can't get all the movement all at once or it will send the body into shock. Same with us God is re-aligning us slowly one (crack at a time) so that we won't go into shock over the repositioning.
That brings me back to the sound waves. I'm going to say that I believe that God is going to release a sound into the ground that opens the wells of past revivals. There's something so significant about the ground in this city.
When I first moved here in 2008 I had a vision while being blasted at a conference. The Holy Spirit hit a bunch of us right outside on the sidewalk on one of the major streets of LA. People where honking thinking we were crazy, but it was God breaking open the ground.
In my vision I saw rivers upon rivers of water flowing under the city of LA and that it was going to take a people who could contend to break open the ground for the water to come forward. I truly believe that it's going to be released through sound. There's a sound that will literally call this land into alightment and release healing over the ground. This land has been raped, tormented, beaten up, abused, and lonely. It's time for the waters that are under this land to be broken out so that she's no longer a desert land but a well watered garden. While I don't often prophecy revial I believe with all my heart that this is a call to all musicians to tune your ears to heaven. Listen to the song that is in your spirits. Wake up and write them and produce them. Sing over this land the heart of the Father because the song always goes before great victory. The children of Israel allowed the worshippers to go before them in battle and when praise goes before the victory is sweet and easy.
The time has come to release the sound into the ground....

Friday, October 1, 2010

The Heart Beat from Africa

Tuesday night at our normal evening service I was worshipping when all of a sudden I saw in the spirit realm and angel. He looked like a tribal man from Africa wearing the colored bans around his arms and legs and he carried a staff. This angel started to dance with a very specific rhythm pounding the ground in very traditional African style. As he pounded his feet on stage dancing away the drums started to match the rhythm of his dance. The beating sounded like a heart beat. As I was watching this whole scene unfold I remember thinking "oh that's nice, we are going to give an impartation to Africa or we should pray for Africa" The Lord quickly spoke to my spirit and said "No, Africa has an impartation for you." He said, "African know the rhythm of my heart beat, you have to learn the rhythm of my heart."

I was suddenly taken back to a word that I had given 2 year ago about elephants. When an elephant smells water in the ground he starts pounding on the ground. The rest of the herd feels the vibration of the pounding and the come to help their fellow elephant. They as a herd pound the ground together until the water springs forth.

The Lord said " If you don't learn the rhythm of my heart beat you can't all be in unison to break open the ground to bring forth the waters of revival."

I knew that the angel that was pounding away on stage was the beginning of the call. He was sent to bring an impartation to the city of LA of the heart beat of heaven and as we learn how to line ourselves up with that heart beat we dance and pound the ground until the water or revival springs forth. In the city of LA where the history of revival is so rich there are rivers and streams that have bee running underground for decades now. It's time to match our dance with the heart beat and pound open the ground and see revival spring forth!

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Where is the Covenant?

Here in the last month or so this idea that not many covenant marriages are coming forth is forever seeming to be the topic of singles conversations. Where? When? Maybe? Who? Lists? Standards? Brokenness? God's will? Fantasy? Reality? The best? Compromise?Destiny?Stability?Future?Past?Fear?Failure? All these questions plaguing the minds of singles in the body of Christ. There are more but the gist is confusion. I don't have the answer and I'm not pretending I do but I would like to express my thoughts on some discussion that I experienced earlier this week. First, I felt like we need to divorce the person in our mind because fantasy will always leave you in fantasy and reality will go by without you ever interacting with it until its too late.
This need for men to have all their ducks in a row before committing or this need for women to have the ideal romeo before saying I do to me is not reality. When we negate relationship for material or fantasy we are interacting with the spirit of prostitution. Think about what prostitutes do. They trade false intimacy for money and they play the role of fantasy to have their client escape from reality.
I believe strongly that the single people in the body of Christ need to wake up to reality that their covenant relationship is something to fight for. We struggle not against flesh and blood but against principalities, powers and spiritual wickedness in high places. This war for covenant isn't for our sake but for the sake of our children. When we understand that our children are going to walk into the Kingdom with thousands of generations of revelations behind them we understand what the enemy is up to. Every time a deliverer was born there was a mass genocide of children.. in Egypt Pharaoh killed all the babies because Moses was to be born, Herod killed all the new born boys because Jesus was to be born. Now the enemy would kill all the covenant relationship, plus abortion, plus broken covenant, plus the growing rate of homosexuality, all that focused on killing a generation that will carry the Glory and revelation of the Kingdom, walking in the fullness of Light.
The fact that we sit and argue about right and wrong and occupy our time with rules and regulations just gives the time to the enemy..I don't know about you but I'm jealous as God is jealous. I'm jealous over my future husband and children and grandchildren and great grandchildren. I'm jealous over the fact that they will live life and live it abundantly and to the fullness of what they were created for. I will not let the enemy steal hopes, dreams, love, faith, and peace. If I don't remain militant protecting my legacy, the sanctity and holiness of it I give free reign for the enemy to release his poison into my life and the life of my children. I am not ready to give the power and authority over to the selfish purposes of the enemy.
Instead I will remain tied in intimacy through Love to my creator in all things pursuing Him!
I do know one thing it's worth it. He's worth it. The Bride of Christ is worth it. My destiny is worth me being 100% present in the moment enjoying the King and His creation. I'm passionate about protecting the sanctity of my future marriage and children. Whatever you do as a single person just remember it's about the One and His name is Jesus!!

The Journey

Where do I begin?
After Thailand I really couldn't write of what I saw because I felt the world wasn't ready for the reality of the clash of dark and light. Fighting so hard to pull humanity. I didn't write because I I am mother protecting her young..Thailand I see as a lost child wondering trying to find her home. Yet there's a light that's dawning and it's coming in the shape of a generation that's only a couple years on this earth. As they forge forth God is pouring into them the encounter of intimacy with Him. In the midst of all their hopeless situation One arises to encounter His children. Jesus the Lover once again pursues His bride.. His Thailand Bride.
Ever more am I feeling the the weight of honor. To be chosen to live in such a time as this and to carry this kind of relationship with God. To me it's an honor and a privilege. I could have been born in the mountains of Ecuador never hearing the name Jesus or in the culture of Thailand where Budah is the god that all turn to. Yet I was chosen to know, love and experience the One that is above every name, the One who is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, the One who takes my breathe away.
Who am I that you are mindful of me? David cried out this phrase in all humility knowing that the One who created the stars, the galaxies and all the world came down to have intimacy with him this lowly man. I feel the same way..I could have been trapped in the demonic cycle of prostitution, abuse, poverty, hopelessness and yet I was rescued from the mouth of hell and am seated with Christ in heavenly places. If I could weep with thankfulness for eternity I would. Being at the feet of the One who rescued me from all fear, shame, darkness, and even death there I would stay preferring that place of intimacy then the stage of religion.
Why do we stay in this place of confusion when we have tasted of the presence of our King?
Why to we continually agree with this place of striving, competition, fantasy, and religiosity when we know the presence of the One who is Love?
I don't know the answer of when we will get it. I hold out hope and every now and then I have the privilege to see the glimpse of the Glory...the moment where every broken heart is healed, every answer is answered, every fear is encountered with love, every crack is made whole.. there in that place I put my faith. Faith in the one that never is defeated that wins with a redemption that is beyond equal. He doesn't just win He conquers with all consuming Victory!!!
If there's 6 billion people in the world I don't believe just one billion will get saved or encountered I believe that 6 billion will get saved and encountered. That is my God.. He doesn't loose. He wins with crazy amazing victory!
Why am I writing this revelation? I don't know other then I'm consumed with the idea and heart that my God is fullness in life, His Kingdom is a never ending Kingdom, His love is an all consuming love, His pursuit is an all consuming pursuit, God is a never ending God.
He will never be defeated by an inferior foe, we are His wisdom, us a human mortal form containing the Glory and authority of heaven to defeat the enemy..what a picture. The enemy doesn't' win!!! He never wins the story is that He never wins!!! Hahahahah Come on say that with me He doesn't win!!! We need to declare that over ourselves and arise out of the ashes saying He doesn't win!! God is the victor and He's for us not against us, He's a good Father who gives good gifts to His children!! Someone get happy!!!!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Stario types and fish balls

Sawa dee ka...means hello in Thai at least for girls that is. This being my first time in Thailand I didn't know what to expect or what I would encounter. As I walked on the streets smelling the street vendors and seeing the limbless beggars I started being awakened to the charms of Thailand. The culture is alive with honor and respect for one another. They love and laugh and love to laugh...

As we explored on the first couple days there was a sense of settling and peace that came over me. No more was Thailand a mystery for me but there she was in all her beauty, a child with out shoes crawling on the filthy streets. It was more then a human love that I have begin accessing for this country. You can hear the land and people crying out for an enounter with love.

I noticed on the first couple days these older white men with kaki shorts and sunglasses hanging around their neck walking around with young Thai women..young being in my mind early 20's. It wasn't even hidden this thing called prostitution that rips and tears at the very fabric of what we are created for. There they were walking sometimes a step or 2 behind their benefactors..there they were the desire of the Father heart of God.

On the first day I saw so many of these type men with these women I started making stario types in my mind. White Australians, New Zealanders..Americans perpetuating a 3 billion dollar industry for what a few minutes of pleasure? What inside of them is so broken that they spend thousands of dollars to come here to have sex with women and children? The questions and the stario types were pilling up..what are they missing and how will God answer their cries?

As we joined Night Light on outreach one of the first nights we were aware that the atmosphere that we walked into was heavy and serious. You could feel the weight of what we came into, knowing that tonight we were entering the enemies camp and releasing the light it felt like such an honor. We prayed and declared for an hour while upstairs a deliverance happening..I looked around the room at all these women who had been reaching out in the bars some of them for years..their faces told the stories of battles fought and won and battles fought and lost. Their focus was millitant and on the front lines you could feel the flint like focus they had to maintain.

We walked out into the streets after sharing a meal together and walked passed a line and into the territory of the enemy..I kept telling myself I'm here to enforce the victory that has already been won. This is illegal no matter who has agreed with it why because Jesus, His blood is enough. As we walked into the strip club I felt this overwhelming since of love for these beautiful girls. My heart was so full of love and I just wanted to hold them all and tell them how beautiful they were.

There she was a young girl maybe 12 at most 14, dancing away showing most of her body in a culture where modesty and descresion is a high value. I looked from across the room into her eyes and they were lifeless. I thought she should be worrying about the Jonas brothers and how well she's doing in school instead of being here dancing for what was the pull again? Oh yes that's it, go to pooreset of the poor tell them they can have 70,000 baht a month ($2,100) but they have to let you do what ever you want to to their bodies...I would check out too..I don't blame her for loosing the life in her eyes but more and more I'm hating the devil.

Being with the women at Night Light I got why they had millitant heart. One girl came over seeing people who are there weekly gives her a sense of ease knowing we are there just to talk. When I saw her walk over to us I knew instantly she was a leader..Beautiful strong woman, leader what's the word for leader in Thai I don't know but there she was..If she became the gracefilled version of herself she would be unstoppable in the Kingdom. I could see her leading so many into freedom..strong heart yes that what she has a strong heart. My translator said you have a strong heart, she said thank you and then she started coughing and took a shot of vodka. Soar throat? Yes..can we pray for you? Yes..Praying with club music pumping in the back more sickness! better? yes..thank you..Jesus right here was encountering a girl who had just started her night of dancing for money. She was not ready to hear how Jesus loved her but she will remember he loved her enough to heal her of a soar throat. We were done..hard when you don't speak Thai but we leaked enough glory for tonight. As we walked out more white men came in..My heart towards them turned to over whelming love...Their father in heaven loves them more then they will ever know.

We walked out passing ladyboys and teenagers dressed in pleather and fish nets. Is that fair trade clothing? Ha..not so much I don't think. Random thought as you are walking out of a club. I kept thinking what..what kind of business can we have that would rival the pay that they would make at the club? How can we encourage them to stay in school? What would their dreams be if they were free?

Their dreams now are to marry a white man so that they can come to America and be rich, poor girls they have so much more inside of them. What if they are brilliant scientists but because they don't go to school they don't know they have a passion to discover the world. What if they are amazing musicians but they don't know it because they've never touched a guitar or piano. What if they have inside of them the ability to dream a complicated chemical formula that cures aids? All these questions in my head what can we do what is the stradegy of heaven not just for these women to survive but for them to thrive and walk in the fullness of who they were created to be.

After talking with the head of Night Light I realized that the problem wasn't getting the girls out of the bars it was keeping them out. The finances for their jewelry are at an all time low and this affects the women's salary and prevents Night Light from taking any more women in. Where's the money? Where's the answer to not only sustaining power but growing power? I know Jesus has the answer for this nation and he will give the stradegy but I pray it won't take that long.

In the famines God always blessed the children of Isreal. Jacob was blessed 3 times over with wealth while all the rest of the land was dying...Dear Jesus bless Night Light with the abundance of heaven enough money to put the plans and stradegies they already have into action...release the weath of the nations into the restoration and transformation of this land..