Sunday, June 27, 2010

The Journey

Where do I begin?
After Thailand I really couldn't write of what I saw because I felt the world wasn't ready for the reality of the clash of dark and light. Fighting so hard to pull humanity. I didn't write because I I am mother protecting her young..Thailand I see as a lost child wondering trying to find her home. Yet there's a light that's dawning and it's coming in the shape of a generation that's only a couple years on this earth. As they forge forth God is pouring into them the encounter of intimacy with Him. In the midst of all their hopeless situation One arises to encounter His children. Jesus the Lover once again pursues His bride.. His Thailand Bride.
Ever more am I feeling the the weight of honor. To be chosen to live in such a time as this and to carry this kind of relationship with God. To me it's an honor and a privilege. I could have been born in the mountains of Ecuador never hearing the name Jesus or in the culture of Thailand where Budah is the god that all turn to. Yet I was chosen to know, love and experience the One that is above every name, the One who is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, the One who takes my breathe away.
Who am I that you are mindful of me? David cried out this phrase in all humility knowing that the One who created the stars, the galaxies and all the world came down to have intimacy with him this lowly man. I feel the same way..I could have been trapped in the demonic cycle of prostitution, abuse, poverty, hopelessness and yet I was rescued from the mouth of hell and am seated with Christ in heavenly places. If I could weep with thankfulness for eternity I would. Being at the feet of the One who rescued me from all fear, shame, darkness, and even death there I would stay preferring that place of intimacy then the stage of religion.
Why do we stay in this place of confusion when we have tasted of the presence of our King?
Why to we continually agree with this place of striving, competition, fantasy, and religiosity when we know the presence of the One who is Love?
I don't know the answer of when we will get it. I hold out hope and every now and then I have the privilege to see the glimpse of the Glory...the moment where every broken heart is healed, every answer is answered, every fear is encountered with love, every crack is made whole.. there in that place I put my faith. Faith in the one that never is defeated that wins with a redemption that is beyond equal. He doesn't just win He conquers with all consuming Victory!!!
If there's 6 billion people in the world I don't believe just one billion will get saved or encountered I believe that 6 billion will get saved and encountered. That is my God.. He doesn't loose. He wins with crazy amazing victory!
Why am I writing this revelation? I don't know other then I'm consumed with the idea and heart that my God is fullness in life, His Kingdom is a never ending Kingdom, His love is an all consuming love, His pursuit is an all consuming pursuit, God is a never ending God.
He will never be defeated by an inferior foe, we are His wisdom, us a human mortal form containing the Glory and authority of heaven to defeat the enemy..what a picture. The enemy doesn't' win!!! He never wins the story is that He never wins!!! Hahahahah Come on say that with me He doesn't win!!! We need to declare that over ourselves and arise out of the ashes saying He doesn't win!! God is the victor and He's for us not against us, He's a good Father who gives good gifts to His children!! Someone get happy!!!!

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